Chestahedron from Rotating a Tetrahedron within a Cube
This animation shows how the Chestahedron arises when a tetrahedron is rotated within a cube.
See below for a large version of the physical construction on which the video is based.
People have been studying Platonic forms for 5000 years, including Pythagorus, Plato, Da Vinci, Kepler, and many others even into the present day, both mathematically and through artistic means. Yet in all these years the chestahedron was never found. Why?
Study of the Platonic forms and their transformations, up to this day, have always been based upon pressure, either pushing or cutting off corners and edges (truncating). The chestahedron was discovered not by pressure but by suction. For the first time in history, Platonic forms can be transformed by suction in addition to pressure. This means that transformations can be based on changes that happen within the Platonic Forms, by either pulling corners or spiraling one Platonic Form inside another Platonic Form. Today, it is possible to create spiraling transformations starting from the inside; this is how the chestahedron was discovered. With this new method it is possible to create many lawful forms never seen before. The chestahedron is one of these new forms and it was found to be the basic design behind the human heart, indicating the heart is not pumping the blood using pressure from the outside moving back and forth, but instead vortexing the blood using suction from the inside.