Ross Barrable is a an acoustic sculptor and musician in Pagosa Springs, Colorado with 33 years of experience developing and refining his art-form. Inspired by the new form of the chestahedron, Ross designed and fabricated a unique and very special wind harp, the Chesta-Tetra Wind Harp. The chestahedron sits upon an inverted tetrahedron, forming a nine-sided volume, which is anchored to a brushed stainless steel pillar of elegant design.

The full sculpture is 12 feet in height; the chesta-tetragon itself is exactly 77 inches in height, and is made completely of titanium. There are 21 nylon strings that vibrate in the wind, bringing the form to life acoustically. This singular sculpture is currently for sale; please contact Ross through his company, Soundscapes International, Inc.:

Ross’ designs currently adorn more than 250 public and private landscape environments across the world.  Please visit his website to learn more about his work:

Chesta-Tetra Wind Harp

Chesta-Tetra Harp Closeup

Chesta-Tetra Harp Closeup

Click here to view and download a PDF with more information on the Chesta-Tetra Wind Harp.


Ross Barrable, Soundscapes International Inc., PO Box 5242, Pagosa Springs, Colorado, USA

Wind Harp Design © 2012 Ross Barrable

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