Frank is pleased to announce the completion of a film documenting the work of Frank Chester and his geometric discoveries that began in the year 2000 with the 7-sided form he named the Chestahedron.
NFT 1st Anniversary Celebration Event
Lecture, “The Metamorphosis of Form and The Human Heart” by Frank Chester, conversation and potluck lunch followed by demonstrations of project work and research.
TEDxVailWomen Presentation
Frank Chester was invited to contribute to the TEDxVailWomen event taking place in Edwards, CO 81632, CO, on December 5th, 2013.
Foundation Stone Celebration – Sept 20, 2013
100 Year Celebration of the Laying of the First Goetheanum Foundation Stone with three lectures, refreshments, cake, and the unveiling of a new capstone for the future NFT center!
Pyramids Lecture – Aug 17, 2013
The Pyramid lecture introduces a new meditation chamber based on the human heart. Frank explains how its use can aid an individual’s possible personal development of the still point and the fifth chamber of the human heart.
Stellating the Chestahedron – Potluck, Presentation and Workshop
An in-depth presentation by Frank of a sequence first introduced at the Center on April 17th, geometry workshop: Drawing the Chestahedron and creating a 3D model to take home for those interested, review of all project work in progress since the Center opened March 30th.
NFT Opening Event
On March 30th, 2013 the New Form Technology Research Center officially opened.
Many people attended this special founding event, and got a taste of what the center is about, and what it hopes to accomplish.
Find out for yourself!
March 23rd: Chico, CA
Join Frank on a highly visual journey through his discoveries that marry the power of art, creativity, and intuition. This is a unique opportunity for students, educators, artists, doctors, scientists, and seekers to engage with the newest frontiers of sacred geometric research and its application.
San Carlos Research Laboratory
For years Frank has been working alone from his small apartment in San Francisco, but the time has come to take the work forward.
6th Grade Waldorf Drawings
The 6th grade class of the Tamarack Waldorf School, taught by Nancy Kresin-Price, has used Frank’s method of squaring the circle as a basis for an astronomy lesson. Here are some of the student’s works.
Seattle Lecture – Sept. 30, 2012
Frank’s discovery of the Chestahedron, a volume with seven faces of equal surface area, suggests new ways of looking at the underlying dynamic geometry of the human heart’s form and function, complementary to current cardiac research.
Portland Branch Lectures – Sept. 29, 2012
Frank presents his original research outlining the way that the heart is not merely a pump, but an organ that integrates a dual vortexial flow of the blood.
For His Holiness the Dalai Lama
This article by Adrienne Fox, looking at connections between Frank’s work and principles of Tibetan Buddhism, has been sent to...
Lecture: Architecture and Form
The Sacramento Faust Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America Presents, Architecture and Form: The discovery of the archetypal form behind the building blocks of the universe.
Sausalito 2007 Lecture
In this lecture, Frank Chester presents his geometric discoveries to an audience in Sausalito, CA in 2007. Included topics: the seven sided form with equal areas, the Chestahedron, how it relates to the Earth, the heart, and more.
RISD Public Lecture
Frank was personally invited to present his geometric discoveries at the nation's premier school of art and design, the Rhode Island School of Design. The presentation was made possible courtesy of RISD's departments of Graphic Design, Freshman Foundation, and Furniture.
Building a New Mystery Center
The following is a special presentation by Frank Chester, Bringing Balance to the Heart with Lawful Thinking, that took place at the Santa Cruz Waldorf School on January 13th, 2012. In it he shows the principles behind the creation of a new Mystery Center for America, based on the geometry of the heart.
Dynamic Balance in the Heart
Frank Chester’s Michaelmas Talk given on September 29, 2011 at the Threefold Auditorium in Spring Valley, New York. This lecture covers Frank’s insights, based on his research into the new geometry of the heart, into what it means to “defeat the dragon” in our own day and age.
Frank exhibits at the Goetheanum’s Einszueins Exhibition
The Heart’s Art
The conference took place at the San Francisco Waldorf High School on July 8-10, 2011, and was a great success. See more information about the conference itself below the photos.
New View Winter 2010-11 Article
A certain day became a presence to me; there it was, confronting me — a sky, air, light: a being....
New View August 2010 Article
Frank Chester has again been featured in the cover article for New View magazine, in the August 2010 issue.
Bell Casting at Freeman College
Frank recently had the opportunity to cast in bronze the unique bell shape he discovered on the basis of the geometry of the chestahedron (this video shows the relationship).
How the Chestahedron was Discovered
The following is taken from an interview with Frank Chester concerning the actual process of transformation that occurs from form to form.
Unique underwater oil spill containment design
Frank has utilized the unique geometry of the chestahedron (a volume made of 7 faces of equal area, the red shape above) to design a cap for underwater oil leaks, such as the recent spill off the coast of Louisiana.
2010 Research Residency at the Threefold Educational Center
The following is taken from Threefold Visiting Researcher Unlike the natural sciences, spiritual science is still developing its research...
Elemental Transformation: Changing How We Work with Change
Workshop below TBD: Form Re-Form In-Form Trans-Form Elemental Transformation: Changing How We Work with Change A hands-on/minds-on workshop with Frank...
The Heart
Frank’s exploration of the relationship between form and spirit led him to do deep creative research on the number seven....
Relationship between a 5-cycle and a 7-cycle
This animation, built entirely on the basis of the geometry of the Chestahedron, demonstrates the relationship between a 5-unit cycle (yellow star) and a 7-unit cycle (blue star).
Meditative Visualization on 5 and 7
The chestahedron establishes a unique relationship between the numbers 5 and 7. This is embodied in the five prints that Frank has made which explore this theme via two interpenetrating circles.
Relationship between the Chestahedron and the Icosahedron
The chestahedron relates to the various Platonic forms in surprising ways. Take, for instance, the icosahedron. In the images below...
Beyond Polarities Conference Video
This two hour video shows Frank presenting his work at the Beyond Polarities Youth Conference in 2006. He covers in condensed form the whole range of his work, including the seven-sided form, the heart, the earth, alchemy, architecture, art, and more.
Gallery Opening Video
This video provides a brief and whimsical tour through Frank’s 2003 Gallery opening with the Delaine Easten Gallery at the Healsburg High School Campus, called Metamorphosis, Polarity, Enhancement.
Chestahedron from Rotating a Tetrahedron within a Cube
People have been studying Platonic forms for 5000 years, including Pythagorus, Plato, Da Vinci, Kepler, and many others even into the present day, both mathematically and through artistic means. Yet in all these years the chestahedron was never found. Why?
Spirit Form
It is possible to expand today’s art modernity by artistic/scientific autonomy empathic to discovering a spirit form before it...
Introductory Slideshow
This slideshow provides a look at Frank Chester’s work in a purely audio-visual format, with no explanatory text. This can be a good introduction to his work, as it allows one to enter into it artistically rather than conceptually.
Chestahedron as a transformation of a tetrahedron
This animation visualizes how the chestahedron comes into being when a tetrahedron is “opened up” like a flower. As the tetrahedron opens, it becomes the chestahedron, finally becoming a stellated octahedron.
Sacred Geometry Video
The following video, broken into four parts and taken with the support of The NetworkM, provide a summary Frank’s geometrical work and the alchemical process by which he develops the forms.
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